Apprentice Code of Conduct


As with our Employee Code of Conduct, we feel our Learners have the same duty to act respectfully, and the same rights to expect to be treated with respect.

Dress code

You are required to dress as you would for work for any learning sessions whether you are learning in person or online.


Whether attending a session online or in person, you are required to be present 15 minutes before your start time, ready and eager to start your learning! If attending an online session, you are required to email your trainer 15 minutes before the start time to confirm you are attending and are logged in ready to start.

Any Learner who does not arrive for a planned session, either online or in person, will be located using the following process:

08.45: Tutor attempts contact with Learner.

09.00: If there is still no successful contact made-Learner Support Manager will call the Learner.

 09.30: if there is still no contact, The Learner Support Manager will contact the setting to check if they have gone to work.

The LSM will also call the emergency contacts at this point if the Learner is not at work,

if there is still no contact made, the LSM will leave a message stating the concern has been passed to the ODSL and a police welfare call will be requested within 30 minutes,

10.00: ODSL to request police welfare check.

Health and safety

For your own safety and the safety of others all Apprentices must adhere to the Swift health and safety policy and follow health and safety related instructions at all time

Alcohol and drugs

Apprentices must never have in their possession / be under the influence of alcohol and drugs whilst learning with Swift or whilst at their employer premises.

Theft / sabotage

Apprentices must never take or destroy any item belonging to Swift or fellow learners


Apprentices shall not falsify any records (including time records, travel expense claims, absence records and so on) for yourself or others.


Apprentices shall not plagiarise (for assessed work) from fellow Apprentices or others or copy from others during exams


Mobile Phone Usage

You may bring your mobile phone to the Academy, but we ask that you ensure:

  • It is switched off during lessons unless where you are permitted to use it for research / planned activity purposes.
  • You do not take it into any exam/assessment with you

Online Learning

  • You are required to have your camera on during all online learning sessions so we can interact with and support you appropriately at all times.
  • The environment where you take part in online learning sessions needs to be appropriate – quiet, undisturbed and somewhere you can focus on learning effectively. If you are struggling with this, please speak to your trainer for support.


At Swift we recognise that learning happens best in an environment where people feel safe, valued, respected and able to express their own views.

Author: Jayne Hipkiss  


Review date: 29/08/2023


Next review date: 28/08/2024

Authorisation by the Managing Director:


Name: Greg Morrall




Please follow our Do’s & Don’ts to make learning safe, fun and enjoyable:




Cooperate with others

Be disrespectful to anyone else

Be friendly

Listen to others

Be helpful

Bully other people (online or offline)

Have good manners

Treat everyone with respect

Take responsibility for your own behaviour

Behave in a way that could be intimidating

Talk to your Tutor/DSO about anything that worries or concerns you

Follow this code of behaviour and other rules (including the law)

Join in and have fun!

Be abusive towards anyone

Be helpful